Hot Chocolate #3

Hot ChocolateSo you know it had to happen.  Hot Chocolate #3.  I may have mentioned my hot chocolate obsession before, and if you missed that, it may have occurred to you if you have ever browsed through the list of Snacks & Drinks and noticed Hot Chocolate #1 and #2.  I drink it ALL THE TIME and almost always order it when I am out and about.  Making the good stuff at home has become a bit of an obsession of mine and although I really love my version #1, I am always looking for a different flavor.  I created this version and have been calling it crock pot hot chocolate or campfire hot chocolate all day, but in the end, it is just version #3.  It does kind of taste like something I drink while camping, but I have no idea why.  And it would be really easy to throw it in a slow cooker and let it sit in the background.  Either way, it isn’t too sweet and the flavor is different from my other recipes so you can pick which one you prefer.  One of these days I will find the right combination of melted chocolate and milk and cream and my life will change, but for now, cocoa is what I am working with.  In the meantime, I try not to discriminate against any hot cocoa and like to switch it up depending on time and who I am serving.  This recipe is a bit bigger and does great when you want to have it available for a larger gathering.  The best part?  I like to leave the leftovers in the fridge and drink it as I need to.  Yes, I said need, not want! 🙂  Ha!  It is like having hot chocolate on tap.  Just a minute in the microwave and I am good-to-go.  I’ll think I’ll go fix myself another cup…
Hot Chocolate Hot ChocolateOne Year Ago: Freezer Coffee Cake

Hot Chocolate #3
Feel free to use all milk in this recipe.  I think it is rich enough with only half milk and it is better for you.  That said, ultimately, it is all about being rich and creamy!  You decide!

In a large sauce pan, or slow cooker, whisk together:
1-14 oz can sweetened condensed milk
1/2 c cocoa powder
pinch of salt
2 tsp vanilla
3 c water
3 c milk

Whisk everything together until incorporated and heat on medium low until very hot, whisking occasionally.  Don’t let it burn!  Alternatively, heat over low or high in the slow cooker, whichever you have time for, until very hot.  Store leftovers in the fridge, stirring well before reheating.  Drink will last 4-5 days in the fridge.

Party Potatoes

Party PotatoesPhew!  What a long couple of weeks!  But alas, I am back with a recipe for you.  Actually, I had three recipes previously that I was very excited to share, but none of them were quite worthy.  I can’t quite bring myself to post a recipe that could still be improved or tweaked to make it better.  The point of this blog is not to just post a recipe that I randomly tried or created and it just happened to work out.  Will it be the same next time?  Will the onion flavor in that dip become overpowering if made a day ahead?  Do those brownies get crumbly if you bake them too long?  These are the kinds of questions I like to have answers to before I post a recipe here.  I won’t pass it on unless I think it is the best version it could be.  I want you to be able to trust this blog in that it will work for you and be good.  Every time.

That said, this recipe is definitely reliable.  I have been eating it for years and years.  My Aunt Mary, a fabulous cook herself, passed this on to me when I was in my early twenties and although it has kind of evolved over the years, I still make it for a crowd.  Who doesn’t love creamy, baked mashed potatoes?  It goes with everything and is absolutely perfect when you need to bring a dish to pass.  And since they can be made ahead of time-an option I always love-it is a comfy side dish that is ready when you are.  Truly a Party Potato!

Please excuse the extra toasty cheese in these pictures.  I was getting ready for a party (and yes, I brought these ‘party potatoes’) and the dish got left in the oven a minute or two too long!  But still yummy!  Yours will be more melty and gooey on top.
Party PotatoesOne Year Ago: Enchilada Pie & Honey Bran Muffins

Party Potatoes
Adapted from Mary Zeug
There are a lot of different versions of this dish, but I really like the flavor of this one.

3 pounds potatoes, peeled, steamed and mashed or 4 c mashed potatoes
1-8 oz pkg cream cheese
1 c sour cream
1 T snipped chives
1 c shredded cheddar cheese
1 clove finely minced garlic

Mix all ingredients together until smooth.  Taste for seasoning and add salt and pepper to taste.  Spread into a greased baking dish.  (These can be made up to this point a day in advance.  Just cover and chill and then bake.)  Bake at 350 for 30-45 minutes or until very hot.  If baking from the fridge, it will take a bit longer.  Sprinkle the top with extra grated cheese and melt in the oven for the last few minutes.  Garnish with fresh chives if desired.

Black Bean Salsa

Healthy Black Bean Salsa uses a few pantry ingredients and a few fresh ingredients to make a spiced salsa with a surprise crunch! {Brittany's Pantry}If you happen to be looking for a new recipe for the upcoming sporting event this weekend, well, your search is over.  For me personally, it is less about the actual game (I don’t even know who is playing) or the halftime show (the last time I watched it Janet Jackson had a ‘wardrobe malfunction’-which we missed because the TV was on mute-and I was alone at a party with a crowd of people all over the age of 65 and who all ate way more than me-seriously) or the commercials (I never seem to be around when they are on) and it is really just about the food.

This black bean salsa is just a bit different from your normal kind of salsa.  Now don’t freak out, but the secret ingredient is radishes!  I know!  I know!  It is kind of weird, but when you think about it, it makes a lot of sense.  Radishes are crunchy and kinda spicy-perfect for a salsa!  And unless they ask, I have yet to have someone ever guess they are in there.  All together, this makes an extremely healthy snack.  Kind of a nice change of pace in the midst of salty, heavy, greasy party food!  Radishes love cold weather so I make this for no reason at all in the spring and fall when I can find them at the Farmers Market.  And even though there are canned tomatoes in this recipe, I only use them in the winter when tomatoes in the grocery store are not worth buying.  So whatever recipes you are making this weekend, add this to the line-up!  It just may become you new favorite, guilt-free indulgence!Healthy Black Bean Salsa uses a few pantry ingredients and a few fresh ingredients to make a spiced salsa with a surprise crunch! {Brittany's Pantry}Healthy Black Bean Salsa uses a few pantry ingredients and a few fresh ingredients to make a spiced salsa with a surprise crunch! {Brittany's Pantry} One Year Ago: Five-Minute Meatloaf

Black Bean Salsa
Recipe adapted from Rochelle McKenzie, my lovely Sister-In-Law who changed my husbands life forever by serving this salsa to us almost ten years ago!  Many thanks, chica!

2 cans black beans, rinsed and drained
4 green onions, chopped
4-5 large radishes, trimmed and minced
2 cans petite diced tomatoes, drained, or two large tomatoes, diced
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 jalapeno, seeds and ribs removed, minced fine
2 tsp cumin
2 T chopped cilantro (optional)
1 T lime juice (fresh is better, bottled is fine)
1 T extra virgin olive oil (optional)
salt to taste

Combine all ingredients in a medium bowl.  This tastes better after it has sat for a day, but still all good.  Just taste it before you serve it to see if it needs salt.  Serve with tortilla chips.