Homemade Granola BarsAt the end of April my youngest sister came to visit, meet her newest nephew, and run a half marathon.  Yeah, we like to test the physical endurance of our guests every now and then.  Look!  Aren’t they cute together?
189Nearly every spring since we moved to central IL my family, my husband, and sometimes friends, have run at least one of the races during the Illinois Marathon weekend.  Usually the half marathon is the murderously torturous event of choice (Have I ever mentioned that I hate to run?) and this year my sister ran it for the second time.  Mike ran it too-his third half marathon overall.  Such craziness.  I am actually kind of the odd one out.  Between my husband, my sisters, all my sisters-in law, and some of my brothers, you would think I would join in too.  Well forget it!  You will never break me!!

But I digress…

Even though I don’t run, I have a deep respect for all of the severely misguided athletes that do.  In fact, the spirit of racing is one of the things that make that race weekend one that we excitedly look forward to every year.  The race finish line is at the fifty yard line inside the U of I stadium so it is as exciting for spectators as it is for runners.  Isn’t that neat?  The runners round a curve and the whole stadium is there before them with songs like Eye of the Tiger urging them on for those last fifty yards!  It totally would make a person want to run…almost.  My responsibilities include things much less sweaty.  Like picture taking, runner chauffeuring, and cooking for body fueling-with the exception of the two years (’06 and this past spring) that I had just given birth a few weeks before.  I stayed home then.  But anyway, for my part, I like to research different foods that are good for pre-race fueling and post race recovery so that I know I am cooking something that is just what their bodies need.  A few years ago when my other sister and her friend ran the full marathon, I really felt the pressure.  I didn’t want to be responsible for runners that ate five pounds of BBQ Ribs the night before-not good running fuel-or worse, *gasp*, were hungry!  “No one around here goes hungry!” I declare out loud, slamming my fist on the kitchen counter!  These granola bars have made an appearance several times, as well as being part of our normal snacking repertoire year round.  Mainly because they are fun to make, easy to freeze, you can pick your flavors, and..well…they are awesome.  Oh yeah, and good for you.  I recommend taking the time to just make a double batch.  Kind of like a marathon granola bar making day.  Blasting Eye of the Tiger is optional.
Homemade Granola Bars Homemade Granola BarsOne Year Ago: Fried Corn & Mocha Chocolate Chip Scones

Homemade Granola Bars
Adapted from Ina
In addition to having plain old granola around, these are fantastic to pull from the freezer for a quick breakfast, snack, or road trip munchie.  Feel free to mix and match whatever kind of fruit and nuts you like.  So far, these two combos seem to be universally pleasing and particularly gorgeous.  Aren’t the colors awesome?  And, I might add, they are addictively good.

Fruit & Nut

2 c rolled oats (not quick cooking)
3/4 c sliced almonds
3/4 c shredded coconut
1/2 c wheat germ

Place the above ingredients on a dry sheet pan and toast in a 350 degree oven for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.  Beware!  The coconut has a tendency to burn so watch it!  When it is done, carefully pour into a large mixing bowl and reduce the oven temperature to 300 degrees.

1 c shelled pistachios
3/4 c dried cranberries
1/2 c chopped dried apricots

Toss all dry ingredients together.
Meanwhile, in a small saucepan, melt together:
4 T butter
3/4 c honey
1/3 c brown sugar

Once it is melted, bring to a slow boil and cook and stir it for about a minute.
Add 1 tsp vanilla and pour over the contents of the bowl.  Stir carefully-its HOT!-until everything is coated and even.  Pour into a greased 9X13 pan and with wet hands, pat mixture down to lightly flatten evenly.  Bake for 20-25 minutes or until lightly golden brown.  Cool completely before cutting.  Twelve or sixteen bars seems to be the perfect size.  Granola bars can be individually wrapped in plastic wrap, and frozen in a gallon freezer bag for up to 3 months.

Chocolate Cherry Almond
Make the bars the same as above but increase the almonds and coconut to 1 c each.  Add 2 c of dried sour cherries to the mix instead of the cranberries, apricots and pistachios.  Proceed with the recipe just as above and when the bars come out of the oven, sprinkle the top evenly with dark chocolate chips.  I used about a cup or so, but it is up to you as to how thick you want the chocolate.  Wait a minute for them to melt and then spread evenly over the top.  Cool completely before cutting.

Marshmallow Buttercream

Marshmallow ButtercreamRemember a few posts back when I mentioned things that I wish I had been doing all along?  Well, in addition to ‘using an eyelash-curler’, this frosting recipe has now topped that list.

Last week, my oldest had her 6th birthday party.  It was flower themed and I confess that I pushed for it because it was simple.  Of course Evelyn does love flowers so it was an easy sell, but still…in light of what my days look like now, I needed something stress free.  And I have to say, surrounding yourself in all things ‘flowers’ is quite fun.  What little girl doesn’t have a flowery dress in her closet?  The party girls painted flower pots and my husband filled them with pink petunias!  They also got cute little bags filled with, among other things, flower jewelry and huge flower hair clips which all the girls promptly accessorized with.  Thank you Bella Bambini!  The menu?  Little mini sliders with fixings,  Margarita Pasta Salad, veggies and dip, a huge bowl of strawberries and grapes, and June Bugs to drink.  As for the cake, the birthday girl requested chocolate-yeehaw!-and when I mentioned that this was the way I wanted to decorate it, her face fell.  Apparently, she had pictured one big flower.  No biggy.  I just backtracked and decided to use my trusty star tip.  The cake was a recipe I make all the time and I am sure I have mentioned before.  You can find it here.  The frosting had to be white because as my daughter pointed out, flowers are not usually chocolate colored.  So after finding several different versions online and doing some experimenting of my own, I ended up with this buttercream.  My sister, who happened to be in town for the week and who I enjoyed spoiling, at least in the culinary sense, grew weak in the knees when she ate this.  Literally.  She then proceeded to eat so much of it she ate very little dinner because she was so ill on sugar.  Now that is what I call a successful frosting recipe!  We agreed that a certain sister-in-law of mine (you know who you are!) would go bonkers for this recipe!  I am sure she could out eat anyone in a frosting contest!  The frosting didn’t deflate, fall, melt in the heat, or get thin when I added coloring.  It was fluffy and extremely easy to work with.  The middle layer was chocolate frosting and I just used the recipe that frosts my One-Bowl Chocolate Cake because I knew it would be the perfect amount.  And it was.  The finished cake was absolutely outstanding.  Here are some pictures from the process:
Marshmallow Buttercream Marshmallow Buttercream Marshmallow Buttercream Marshmallow Buttercream Marshmallow Buttercream Marshmallow Buttercream Marshmallow ButtercreamHappy birthday, Evelyn!

One Year Ago: Strawberry-Watermelon Cooler

Marshmallow Buttercream
I doubled this recipe in order to ensure that I had enough for the crumb coat AND to decorate it.  It came out perfectly with very little leftover.

1 c (2 sticks) softened, unsalted butter
1 small jar (7 oz) marshmallow creme
Beat these two ingredients together for several minutes until light and fluffy.

Add 2 1/2-3 c of powdered sugar and a splash of vanilla.  Beat until smooth.  Leftovers keep in the fridge for several days and are also good eaten with grapes:)

Tofu Chocolate Pudding

Tofu Chocolate PuddingMmm.  Just look at that chocolate pudding.  Creamy.  Dreamy.  Rich and decadent.  Don’t you just love tofu?

What?  Tofu?  Uh huh!  That’s what I said!  Tofu.  Hard to believe isn’t it?  But there it is.  And yes, it tastes as good as it looks.

My history with tofu, a soybean based protein, is kind of interesting.  My Mom went through a tofu phase when we were kids and put it in everything.  I even did a presentation about it to my fifth grade class.  To this day, whenever I go back home and bump into that teacher (What up, Mr Sapa!) he reminds me about that demonstration.  This was around the same time my Mom tried to convince us, albeit unsuccessfully, that carob was the same as chocolate.  Anyway, it was years before we found out that she had been sneaking pureed tofu into our pancake and waffle batter without any of us ever finding out.  I discovered that eating it plain and warm, like in a stir fry, is not my favorite.  It is a texture thing.  But adding it to smoothies in a blender?  Now that is yummy.  It makes everything thick and rich and utterly wonderful.

So here is the skinny-no pun intended.  Tofu+chocolate=low fat and protein packed loveliness.  Several years ago I came across a group of dessert recipes that were all centered around tofu.  No-bake pies, parfaits, and puddings.  This pudding is my version of one of those.  Light, creamy, and nearly guilt free.  It comes together fast which makes it perfect for a weeknight dessert or last minute treat.  My kids were thrilled when I started testing different recipes.  Endless amounts of chocolate pudding wasn’t exactly hard to get them to eat!  And the results were unanimous.
Tofu Chocolate PuddingOne Year Ago: White Chocolate Rainbow Cake, Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream, Lemon Thyme Orzo

Tofu Chocolate Pudding
Feel free to use dark chocolate chips for an extra boost of antioxidants.  Be sure to use a good quality chocolate chip to ensure decent melting.

1 pkg silken tofu
1 bag chocolate chips
1/4 c pure maple syrup
a splash of hot coffee, optional

In the bowl of a food processor or blender, puree the tofu and the maple syrup until smooth.  Meanwhile, melt the chocolate in the microwave in 30 second intervals until just barely melted.  Stir until smooth and with the machine running, pour carefully into the food processor.  Add the coffee, if using.  Puree until completely smooth, scraping down the sides if necessary.  Serve immediately or refrigerate.

Note:  Eaten right away this pudding is smooth and light and creamy.  If you let it sit in the fridge the chocolate cools and it firms up-more like a thick, rich, cheesecake consistency.  Either way, sooooo good.  Also, firm tofu doesn’t puree as well and won’t get as creamy (it ends up kind of grainy) so I don’t recommend it.  It still tastes good though so if that is all you have, go ahead and use it.  But you will have to thin out the puree with milk or cream in order to get it to work.