Saucepan Brownies

Saucepan BrowniesI absolutely love it when I find a recipe like this.  A great concept that is easy, saves me time, makes just enough for our little family, and tastes spectacular.

While going through the BHG website, I came across a recipe for brownies in the archives.  It had been published 80 or 90 years ago and was mentioned as one that deserved to be revisited.  I added it to my ridiculously long list of brownie recipes, put the year 1930 at the top, and filed it away in my computer.  When I came across it months later and read through the actual recipe, I was intrigued.  I changed a few things to make it even easier and streamlined it a bit to allow for maximum brownie making ease.  The result?  Super fast, super chewy brownies that can be mixed entirely in one pan on the stove top.  Less mess to clean up means more time for actually eating the bars.  I find this a highly important part of the recipe.  My husband says they are his favorite brownies ever so I have made this recipe a half a dozen times or so in the last 6 months, just to be sure.  Oh the things I do for all of you!!  And yes, it turns out great every time.  Because this only makes a 9X9 pan, I usually save it for a weeknight treat or a last minute dessert for unexpected company.  I have other, bigger, recipes for when I am expecting a crowd or need to bring a dish to pass.  Like Buttermilk Brownies.  I have no doubt these are just the first of many brownie recipes that I will share.  But for now, this one is worthy of making soon.  Like now.  As in, what are you still sitting there for?
Saucepan BrowniesOne Year Ago: Cherry Hand Pies, Grilled Yogurt Chicken & Oatmeal Cherry Chocolate Chunk Cookies
Two Years Ago: Earth Bread & Banana Bran Muffins

Saucepan Brownies
Adapted from BHG

Place a medium sized saucepan over medium low heat and add:
1/2 c (1 stick) of butter
2 oz unsweetened chocolate
Stir gently until completely melted and smooth.  Keep the temp low so that the chocolate doesn’t scorch.
Add 1 c sugar.
Stir just until the sugar starts to melt.  This makes for a fudgey brownie, but if you want, you can just dump it in and keep going.  It doesn’t have to melt.  Off the heat, add:
1/2 tsp vanilla
2 eggs, beaten
3/4 c flour
pinch of salt
Stir until smooth and incorporated.  Pour into a sprayed 9X9 pan and bake at 350 for 25 minutes.  Be careful!  Don’t over bake!  A toothpick should come out with a just a crumb or two attached!

Homemade Ranch Dressing

Homemade Ranch DressingThe first time I had homemade ranch dressing, it wasn’t really homemade.  It was one of those spice packets from the grocery store mixed with sour cream and it was actually required of me for a college class.  Long story.  But even so, the flavor was superior to the bottled stuff.  Fresh, tangy, and everything ranch should be.  I figured making it from scratch would be even better.  Turns out, I was right!

I have been collecting various recipes for this for years and years.  But it hasn’t been until this summer that I started experimenting with them.  And…well…it was rather disappointing.  Every time I tried a new recipe they were either overwhelmingly sour, they lacked flavor, or in the worst case, tasted like pureed onions and milk.  Yuck.  None of them tasted anything like they vehemently claimed to be-ranch dressing.

Until I made this.  Half my creation, half inspiration from other recipes, I finally nailed it.  Rich and creamy and a spectacular version of the dressing and dip we all love so much.  Although it is fantastic on a salad, my family has been enjoying it the most as a dip with vegetables.   They usually enjoy their carrots, bell pepper strips, cucumber slices, and broccoli and cauliflower florets plain.  But one taste of this and as Evelyn exclaimed, “I want to drink this!”  She may be a bit over dramatic.  And I have no idea where she gets it…
Homemade Ranch DressingOne Year Ago: BBQ Chicken W/Mustard Glaze & Smashed Potatoes W/Spinach
Two Years Ago: Matt’s Pancakes

Homemade Ranch Dressing
Inspired by this recipe.

3/4 c mayo-I use canola
3/4 c low-fat sour cream
1 T fresh lemon juice
1 clove minced garlic
1 T snipped chives
salt and pepper to taste
1/3 c milk, or more to reach desired consistency

Combine all ingredients in a bowl or jar.  Shake or mix and taste for seasoning.  Add more milk if necessary.  Will keep in the fridge, tightly sealed for up to two weeks!

Steak Salad

Steak SaladIt is no secret that I love the Farmer’s Market.  The small town that I live in has a very small one once a week that while tiny, fulfills most of my market needs.  Above all else, I love to support the local businesses and if I can, try and purchase something from each of them.  There are always at least two vendors there that have a decent range of fruits and vegetables and Sager Farms has kept our family in peaches every summer for years!  The variety is limited compared to the huge market we go to in Urbana, but totally worth it.  For Christmas, my sister-in-law got me this cookbook and I have been pouring over the recipes, advice, and stunning photographs.  Because of the heat and drought in this part of the country, our garden is toast.  Literally.  So I have been relying on the markets to stock up on green beans, peaches, plums, and zucchini to puree and freeze for baby food, and eventually I will freeze butternut squash, pumpkin, pears, and apples as they come in to season.  But more on that later.  Also, like most people, I have been purchasing tomatoes like crazy.  The basil in our garden is surviving so, because I love variety in my food, I like to mix things up.  This has been our menu the past week:

Sunday: Chicken Teriyaki, Garlic Brown Rice, steamed vegetables
Monday: Baja Fish Tacos-Everytime I make these, my family goes bonkers.  Seriously good.
Tuesday: Baked Pasta W/Summer Veggies and a quick salad with vinaigrette-I used a local goat cheese ricotta this time-AWESOME!
Wednesday: Sausage & Mushroom Pizza with this pizza dough that I froze months ago
Thursday: Tomato & Basil Salmon, whole wheat cous cous, Zucchini & Corn W/Basil
Friday: Burgers or Carne Asada and S’Mores if it isn’t too hot or if it doesn’t rain-GO USA!!
Saturday: Company for dinner!  Not sure of the menu but I think I am going to make Caramelized Onion Dip, Sun-Dried Tomato Dip, Grilled Yogurt Chicken, Panzanella Salad, my favorite fruit mix, White Sangria, Strawberry Lemonade and…I don’t know what else!
Sunday: I have no clue.  I will probably be cleaning out the fridge and finishing the leftover Keebler Cracker Bars I made for a recent play date.

The Summer Pasta with Veggies was our vegetarian dish for the week and we ended up having fish twice.  Never a bad thing, right?!  Yum.  Today’s recipe is so perfect for the summer and slips in to this weeks line-up because even though it centers around beef (As I wish all my meals could.  What can I say? I am a carnivore! Grrr!), the main player in the meal is veggies.  It is a nice, light meal that is adaptable, fast, doesn’t heat up the house, is good for you, and takes advantage of all that produce!  And even though you can of course use any kind of salad dressing you want, there is something really perfect about a fresh, cool, tangy ranch on warm, smokey, earthy steak.  A stellar combination to be sure.  The only thing missing from the above picture is fresh sliced mushrooms.  I had them, and then ate them all when I made a Fried Rice Scramble.  I also had planned to add cucumbers, but the kids finished them earlier that day at lunch time.  So use your imagination and add those two items to the salad and then you have the perfect steak salad.

What are YOU making with your Farmer’s Market loot?
Steak Salad Steak SaladOne Year Ago: Zucchini W/Corn & Basil, & Chocolate Chip Cherry Snack Cake
Two Years Ago: California Chopped Salad

Simple Steak Salad W/Homemade Ranch
One good steak for every two people seems to be the perfect ratio.  I like it simple and classic, but feel free to use your favorite rub or marinade on the meat.  Recipe for Homemade Ranch soon to come!

2 T-Bone or New York Strip steaks, drizzled with olive oil and seasoned with salt and pepper
lettuce, spring mix, fresh spinach, or a combination of greens
hard boiled eggs
sliced mushrooms
sliced cucumbers
ranch dressing

Grill the steaks until medium rare and let rest while you assemble the salads.  Slice the steaks, one half for each person and top the salads.  Drizzle with ranch dressing and enjoy!