Vegetable Enchiladas

Veggie EnchiladasAs I was making this dish, it occurred to me just how often I use black beans.

I was writing this blog post in my head while I was cooking, something I do quite a bit in the kitchen, and I was kind of trying to pick an approach.  Generally, I have a pretty good reason for sharing a recipe with you.  It is super easy, reliable, fast to make but with great flavor, or it just tastes dang good!  I also like to let you know why I ever even made it in the first place.  Sometimes there is a history with a recipe that pertains to my family, sometimes I needed something specific for a certain event, or maybe I was in the mood to create a new flavor and decided to share my limited, yet enthusiastic, culinary wisdom about it with all of you.  To a certain extent (I can be rather long winded…) I like to make sure that you know I am not just cooking and blogging about it because my three kids, my husband, my house, church, and various extra curricular activities don’t keep me busy enough.  I do it because I love it.  And ultimately, I want you to go into your kitchen with a recipe recommended to you from a friend (me!) and love it too.

So…as I was saying…black beans.

I was thinking of other recipes I have that I could link back to this one and I realized just how often I cook with black beans.  They are in this salsa, this chili, this rice, this dinner–all super healthy dishes, by the way–and I was suddenly like, wowzah!  I buy almost nothing else. Granted, I like them the best when it come to beans, but I guess I kind of need to branch out a bit, huh?  Well, regardless of my new legume awareness, they are in this dish too. Heh heh heh…

If you have been reading this blog for awhile, you know that I am not the biggest fact of mexican food, but for my husband and children, I soldier on and cook it an eat it anyway.  This is not really all that difficult but if given the choice, meat and potatoes would rule it for me.  Well several years ago, I came across this recipe originally from Martha Stewart and I figured it looked like something I could easily add to my normal rotation.  You know, make the fam happy.  We had no idea that it was going to be so fantastic we would want to eat it all the time.  And bonus!  It is freezeable!  I have a serious weakness for things I can make ahead of time and pull out and throw the oven.  I get giddy.  Not weak in the knees, like when my husband kisses me, but definitely light headed….

Now when you read through the recipe below and realize that you will be making your own enchilada sauce, don’t despair!  This is easier than it sounds.  So easy in fact, you are never going to want to buy it from a can again.  This meal goes together quite quick and can feed a few people or a crowd.  It is healthy and vegetarian, but you won’t miss the meat, the salt, or the calories.  And if you feel like making something else with black beans, try one of the other recipes on this blog.  You never know when I’ll be adding more to the list!
Veggie EnchiladasOne Year Ago: Simple Vinaigrette & Roasted Broccoli
Two  Years Ago: Pork Roast W/Mustard & Peach Glaze, Simple Soup

Super Easy Veggie Enchiladas
Please note that you can make this meal in one big casserole dish, or two smaller ones, freezing the second pan for a later use.  Leftover seasoned taco meat or plain shredded chicken could easily be added to stretch the filling to make a bigger batch.

In a small sauce pan, whisk together:
1/4 c flour
1/4 c tomato paste
1 tsp cumin
good pinch of salt and pepper
Whisk over medium heat to cook the flour a bit.  Add:
1 can vegetable stock or a good quality, low sodium chicken broth
1/2 c water
Whisk until smooth and bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer and cook until slightly thickend.  This takes about five minutes.  Carefully taste for seasoning and add more salt if necessary.  Set this aside and make the filling!

In a large bowl, combine:
1 can black beans, rinsed and drained
1 (2 c bag) shredded cheese- cheddar, pepper jack, four-cheese Mexican, cojack, whatever
1 small bag of frozen corn, about 10 oz, thawed
1 box of frozen spinach, thawed and squeezed dry
1 tsp cumin

18 small corn tortillas

Mix the filling ingredients in the bowl.  Lightly spray one large, shallow casserole dish or two 9X9 pans.  Microwave the tortillas for a few seconds to soften and then put one large scoop of filling in the center of a tortilla, fold it over in thirds, and place it seam side down in the dish.  Continue until you have used all the filling.  I can only fit seven in my square glass baking dishes so the last few I roll up and put in a microwaveable dish for Mike to take to work.  Sprinkle the whole pan with a bit more cheese and then pour the enchilada sauce evenly over top.  If freezing, wrap well, chill, and freeze.  Defrost overnight or bake from frozen, adjusting cooking time.  If baking right away, put uncovered in a 400 degree oven for 20 minutes or until bubbly.  Serve with sour cream, salsa, and chopped scallions, if desired.

Tangy Chicken Salad w/ Avocado

Tangy Avocado Chicken SaladChicken salad and I have a funny kind of relationship.  I have mentioned before that our family never made it when I was a kid but I make it all the time now.  I rarely, if ever order it when at a restaurant because…well…it always tastes terrible.  You know what I mean?  Tasteless and dry, lacking in any flavor at all, and with chicken shredded nearly to the consistency of baby food.  Blegh.

Now, I am quite partial to my other chicken salad recipe and I make it quite a lot.  But this summer, I found myself craving something with a bit more kick.  A bit more tang.  And since I know of very few things that aren’t improved with some avocado, that ended up in the bowl too.  I almost added hard boiled egg, but exercised some restraint.  It was really good in there, but didn’t make it to the final recipe.

What did end up in the final recipe, as you see below, is quite simple.  A little sour cream to cut the richness of the mayo, mustard for fantastic flavor, and the avocado for a dose of healthy fats and a creaminess that cannot be matched.  We love this so much it is not uncommon for us to burn through a whole batch in a day.  Or a sitting!  Add some fruit and some pita chips and you have got yourself a cafe worthy lunch!
Tangy Avocado Chicken SaladTwo Years Ago: Tator-Tot Hotdish

Tangy Chicken Salad W/Avocado
Our favorite way to eat this is wrapped in a whole wheat tortilla with fresh spinach, or scooped with crackers.  But throw it in a butter croissant and you have something really special.  I recommend adding lots of fresh ground black pepper!

4 c cooked chicken, chunked or shredded
1/4 c light sour cream
1/4 c mayo
1-1 1/2 T dijon mustard
salt and pepper to taste
Mix all ingredients lightly together.  Add a bit more sour cream and mayo if too dry.  Taste for seasoning.  Add:
1 avocado, peeled and diced
Toss lightly together.  Enjoy!

Oatmeal Caramel Bars

Oatmeal Caramel BarsHello all! I am sorry to say I am still having issues with my site so postings might be a bit sporadic.  I will keep you informed via Facebook with updates and maybe even recipes when I can’t get my blog site to work.  So ‘like’ Brittany’s Pantry if you want to be kept in the loop!  Right now, I am extremely grateful for our iPad since it seems to be the only electronic device that I can work from right now.  Although today, I am not complaining!  It is a beautiful, sixty degree morning with nary a cloud in sight!  We have been to the Farmer’s Market, gorged ourselves on fresh baked croissants and sipped dark, creamy hot chocolates while we shopped, finished off the last of the seasons wild blueberries with our lunch, and now I am curled up on my screen porch in a fuzzy sweatshirt, listening to the afternoon breeze blow through the branches of the enormous, towering oak trees that surround our house.  I plan on making and freezing some pasta sauce with the heirloom tomatoes we picked up this morning, but for now, I am snacking on these and loving the fact that I am practically forced to sit out here in this beautiful weather and write to you.  Lots of arm twisting going on here….

These bars nearly have me at a loss for words.  They are so good, so decadent, and so gooey, that they elicit groans from all who enjoy them.  They are sweet and rich and absolutely indulgent.  Make no mistake–these are definitely a treat.  A pan of bars to make and share with those around you.  Yes, I said share.  You may want to eat a whole pan of these–and yes, you really are going to want to eat a whole pan of these–but resist!  The satisfaction is temporary!  Your bathroom scale and your cardiologist can confirm this!  In this instance however, I will understand if you cave.  This is a safe place.  No judgement.

This recipe is from my neighbor, a wonderful baker who, I have mentioned before, is famous for her chocolate chip cookies.  This same sort of recipe exists out there in a dozen different varieties, but this particular version is my favorite.  A buttery, oatmeal crust, chocolate and caramel… straightforward and simply fantastic.  There are a few separate steps, but nothing too time consuming or difficult.  It is a fun recipe for kids to help with too.  And it is a perfectly wonderful make-ahead dessert for company.  Just don’t blame me if they try one and then never want to leave.  Blame my neighbor!
Oatmeal Caramel BarsOne Year  Ago:  Panzanella Salad, Granola, & Summer Berry Pudding
Two Years Ago: Good Lookin’ Man Potatoes

Oatmeal Caramel Bars
Adapted from Kathie Temple, friend of Brittany’s Pantry

Using a stand mixer, hand mixer, or wooden spoon, combine in a large bowl:
2 c flour
2 c rolled oats
1 1/2 c brown sugar
1 tsp baking soda
Pinch of salt
1 1/2 c very soft butter
When well combined, press two thirds of the mixture into a lightly sprayed 9X13 pan.  Bake at 350 degrees for 12 minutes. Meanwhile, combine:
1 1/2 c caramel topping or 1-12 oz jar
1/3 c flour
Mix with a whisk until smooth.  Remove crust from oven and sprinkle with:
Half a bag of chocolate chips
1/2 c chopped walnuts (optional)
Evenly pour the caramel mixture over the pan and sprinkle the reserved oat mixture over top.  Bake for an additional 20-25 minutes or until golden brown.  COOL COMPLETLY!  If you try to cut these when warm they will ooze all over.  Yummy, but not the effect we are looking for!  These are best cut into 24 bars.  Store in a cool place or the fridge.