
A few weeks ago, I confessed my love of quinoa.  When I recently came cross a recipe that called for cooked quinoa in granola, I nearly fell off my chair.  I thought it was brilliant, and before I had even made any I was sold.  Granola is a protein, nutrient rich food anyway (check out our favorite basic recipe here!), but add a grain like quinoa to it and it becomes a full on powerhouse of a snack!  Pair that with vitamin and antioxidant rich berries, low fat, organic yogurt for an extra boost of calcium, and you have yourself a nutrient dense breakfast or lunch that will give you energy for your day or boost your recovery after a workout.  Truly powerful.


This recipe begs to be stirred into something.  This is not your, snack-out-of-the-bag type of granola that is all clumpy.  Um, no.  That would be crumby.

Get it?  Crumby?  Heh heh…

Nope, this is a crunchy and dry, sprinkle over yogurt or eat out of the bowl with berries, type of granola.  I like to leave this plain.   As in, I don’t add any kind of dried fruit or chocolate chips to it.  I want it straight up so that I can do with it whatever my mood calls for.  Obviously, you can add whatever you feel like and because it is granola after all, mix-ins are allowed and encouraged.  The picture above is how I like to serve it to my kids.  The plain glass, footed dishes are fun and they feel like they are eating something extra special.  Being able to see the layers just makes mealtime that much more exciting!  And if they eat it with chunks of ripe peach or apricot, fresh blueberries, or even bananas on the bottom, the rainbow just looks cool.  And whether you are a parent, kid, or a kid at heart, it is kinda nice to have your meal look cool.  Dontcha think?

And there isn’t anything crumby about that!


One Year Ago: Chocolate Cheesecake Bars
Two Years Ago: Grilled Pork ChopsStrawberry Ice Cream & Sweet Veggie Pasta Salad

Quinoa Granola
Adapted from How Sweet It Is
This granola is great sprinkled over frozen yogurt.  For breakfast, if yogurt isn’t your style, pour milk over it and eat it like cereal!

2 1/2 c rolled oats
1 c cooked quinoa (I freeze one cup portions of my leftovers)
1 c sliced almonds
1/2 c ground flaxseed
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 stick of butter (4 T)
1/2 c honey
1 tsp vanilla
pinch of salt

Preheat the oven to 325 degrees.

In a large bowl, mix all the dry ingredients together.  Melt the butter in the microwave and stir in the honey and vanilla.  Pour the warm mixture over the oat mixture and mix until evenly moist and well incorporated.  Spread out on a sheet pan lined with parchment paper and bake for 10 minutes.  Stir well, and bake for 10 minutes more.  Continue to bake, checking every few minutes, until dry and crunchy.  The amount of time will vary based on the moisture in your quinoa and your particular oven. For me, it takes about a half hour total.  Remember, the granola will crisp up a bit as it cools.  When its done, let it cool completely on the sheet pan before storing in an airtight container.  The granola freezes great!

Layer with fruit and yogurt for a healthy parfait.  Enjoy!

White Sangria


Don’t let this simple and unassuming picture fool you.  That little drink above packs a heck of a flavorful punch!

If you are a regular reader, you know that I don’t really drink.  But there are a handful of cocktails and party drink recipes that I rely on when I have adult company over.  And with Cinco De Mayo coming up, you could make the best margaritas on the planet, or you could make this sangria.  Citrusy, refreshing, and delightfully tangy.  This recipe has to be made ahead so it is a great recipe to use when entertaining.  It also doubles very easily, so you won’t ever run out of refreshment!  After serving it a half dozen times at a half dozen different kinds of occasions, I listened to all the people who raved about it and made it part of my regular party repertoire.  It has easily become my favorite drink to serve, expertly slipping into lots of different menus with a comfortable sense of belonging.


One Year Ago: Strawberry-Ruhbarb Jam
Two Years Ago: Lemon Chiffon Pie

White Sangria
Adapted from Gina Gallows
When I make this in fall and winter, I use sliced granny smith apple and pears.  The rest of the year, I like to use pears and lemons, or lemons and oranges.  So pretty.

In the bottom of a large, glass pitcher, stir together:
1/3 c sugar
1/2 c brandy
juice of 1 lemon
1 bottle of fruity white wine
1/2 lemon sliced
1/2 pear sliced
Or 1/2 lemon, half orange or 1/2 tart apple, half pear, and 1/2 lemon

Stir to dissolve the sugar and chill for 3-4 hours.
Just before serving, add 1 liter of seltzer water.
If desired, serve over ice.

Pomegranate Sorbet W/Mini Chocolate Chips from Brittany's PantryGreetings!  I am just popping in quick to share one of my favorite recipes!

This past weekend was Race Weekend!  Otherwise known as the-weekend-my-family-comes-down-from-Minnesota-to-run-in-the-Illini-half-marathon!  My sister and her boyfriend drove down this year and surprised me by showing up with my other sister, just in from Seattle!  We had a wonderful little family reunion!

This sorbet has made it onto the race weekend menu three times now.  I always plan a menu that is especially vegetable, carb, and protein heavy the night before the race, but without a lot of fat or dairy to weigh them down.  Dinner the night after the race is always good lean protein and healthy fats for muscle repair.  Since my sisters each have varying degrees of dairy allergies, this sorbet is just about the most perfect dessert.  It is special enough that it really feels like we are celebrating our time together, but is light and refreshing to keep the runners light on their feet!

This sorbet is delightfully slushy and while it is great now in the spring, keep it in mind for mid summer too!  It has a clean, tangy taste that would be oh so welcome on a hot July day!Pomegranate Sorbet W/Mini Chocolate Chips from Brittany's Pantry One Year Ago: Strawberry Shortcake Cake Classic Buttermilk Biscuits
Two Years Ago: Lemon & Herb Deviled Eggs

Pomegranate Sorbet W/Mini Chocolate Chips
Adapted from Giada
With a short ingredient list, this sorbet comes together in no time!  If you think your kids might protest the herby flavor of the mint, just leave it out.  It will still be great!  In turn, you can omit the chocolate chips too!

1 c sugar
1/2 c water
1/2 c packed, fresh mint leaves
2 c pure pomegranate juice
1 c orange juice
1/2 c mini chocolate chips

In a small, heavy bottomed saucepan, heat the sugar and water until just starting to boil.   As soon as the sugar dissolves, remove from the heat, add the mint leaves, stir to submerge, and let steep for about 20 minutes.  Strain and chill.  Once cold, add the mint syrup to the two juices and freeze in your ice cream maker according to manufacturers directions.  Stir in the chocolate chips and freeze until completely firm.  Enjoy!