Outrageous Caramel Dip

The BEST Caramel Dip I stumbled across this recipe on another food blog and the picture of an apple doused in hot caramel dip drew me in.  Actually, ever since I was pregnant with my second, caramel has been at the top of my ‘eat it’ list.  I haven’t been a very big caramel fan in the past, but ever since Eli, it started tasting really good.  And that yummy taste hasn’t waned.  Unfortunately.

I really love this cold, creamy dip for apples.  But friends, I am telling ya.  Todays dish is a whole other ball game.  A horse of a different color.  Totally different dip, people.  I can see it making a legend out of you.  It is that kind of recipe.  You bring it to a party or get together just once, and you will forever thereafter be known as the-one-who-brough-that-amazing-caramel-dip.  I am not exaggerating in the least when I say that it tastes best when devoured with a spoon, but if people are watching, you generally want to be a bit more civilized and use an apple slice or pretzel.  If you happen to be among family who will love you no matter what, just put the bowl in the middle of the table with a handful of spoons and announce, “Dessert is served!”
Outrageous Caramel Dip The BEST Caramel DipTwo Years Ago: Leek & Potato Soup
Three Years Ago: Sweet Cream Biscuits

The BEST Caramel Dip
Recipe adapted from Bless This Mess
This is good with pretzels, but even better with apple slices.  Warm it up and douse your vanilla sundae or hot pancakes with it!

1/2 c (1 stick) butter
1/2 c brown sugar
3/4 c light corn syrup
1-14 oz can sweetened condensed milk
1 tsp vanilla

Put the first four ingredients in a small, heavy bottomed sauce pan over medium/medium low heat.  Stirring constantly, melt all the ingredients together and bring to JUST below a bubble.  It will scorch if it gets too hot, but you want to go just until the brown sugar is melted. Remove from heat and store at room temperature for a day or two or in the fridge for up to two weeks.  Caramel will become extremely firm when cold, but setting it out at room temperature will make it pliable enough to dip.  This also freezes great so make it ahead if you need to, or freeze half for later.

Merry Christmas!!!

May your day be blessed beyond measure as we focus on friends, family, and the reason for the season!!  Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas from Brittany's Pantry

Holiday PUNCH!

Holiday Punch has an irresistible tangy flavor! Add vodka to make it a cocktail! {Brittany's Pantry}A few weeks ago, my local Mom’s Group had our second annual Holiday Home Tour.  Five brave souls volunteered to open their homes to the whole group to serve treats, pour some drinks, and show off their Christmas decorations to a bunch of sleep deprived, exhausted local mommies.

And it was fabulous.

We talked, we laughed, we oohed and aahhed over the beautiful Christmas trees, and we had some much needed down time during what can be a pretty stressful season.  I volunteered to be the final stop that night and had a dessert buffet laid out to ensure that no one went home hungry!  I served good ole Spiced Apple Cider, Mulled Wine, regular wine, lemon and cranberry ice water, Ginger Chai Blondies, Fruit & Nut Rum Balls, Cherry Pistachio Butter Cookies, Cocoa Candied Almonds, Chocolate Eclair Dessert, White Chocolate Cranberry Cheesecake, Carmel Dip with pretzels and cookies…..and I think that was it.

However, it was this punch recipe that I couldn’t stop thinking about.  I chugged down two huge glasses at another house and it completely hit the spot.  After hopping in and out of the car all night, talking (probably way too much) in the truck while driving between houses, and chuffing through the snow that had fallen the night before, I was ready for something peppy.  This punch was cold and tangy and zippy and incredibly thirst quenching.  Like I said, I drank two huge glasses-withOUT vodka- and could have downed a third if there had been time.  So so so good.  I made sure to get the recipe from the hostess and now my family will enjoy it over ice as a special treat these few days over Christmas.

My kids call this ‘Rudolph’ punch because its red.  We have also called it reindeer punch, red punch, Christmas punch, and ‘that red stuff that is so good’.  But whatever you call it,  be glad it makes a big batch.  It is lovely to sip for kids and grown-ups alike.  Perfect wether you are staying in by the fire or to get you through a marathon of family gatherings.Holiday Punch has an irresistible tangy flavor! Add vodka to make it a cocktail! {Brittany's Pantry}Holiday Punch has an irresistible tangy flavor! Add vodka to make it a cocktail! {Brittany's Pantry} One Year Ago: Simple Fudge
Two Years Ago: Chai Hot Chocolate & Fruit and Nut Rum Balls
Three Years Ago: Mini Corn Muffins & Brown Sugar Shortbread

Holiday PUNCH
Recipe from Katie Fulton
The PUNCH part comes from the alcohol so add as little or as much ‘punch’ as you want!

1-64 oz bottle pomegranate juice, cold
1-64 oz bottle Cran/Grape juice, cold
1-2 liter bottle of ginger ale, cold
vodka, optional
fruit for garnish

Mix all ingredients together and serve over ice with the vodka on the side or mixed right in.  Feel free to experiment with different flavors of vodka to make it your own.  Garnish with blackberries, cranberries, raspberries, and/or orange slices. Serve.

Note:  This would be fantastic on a hot day in the middle of summer, or even blended with ice and tequila for a tangy margarita!