Quick & Easy Pita Chips

Pita ChipsJust popping in to post a quick recipe for an easy snack!

We really love crunchy pita chips at our house.  However, the five of us can easily finish off a whole bag in one sitting so generally, it just makes more sense for me to make them myself.   Very easy and much cheaper to do.  In addition, I can control the level of crunchiness and get them a toasty as we prefer them.  My husband likes things VERY crunchy and just one head scratch away from burnt so I always leave a handful or two on the pan a bit longer for him.  For those of you that prefer your food toasted, but not cooked to ashes, just a few minutes is all you need.
Pita ChipsAbove, these beauties are all set and ready to pop in the oven!  Below?  Toasted and perfect to dip in some hummus!
Pita ChipsQuick & Easy Pita Chips 
These do lose their crunch after a day or so.  My advice is to make them fresh when you need them so you can finish them off while perfect and toasty!  If you have access to different flavors of pita bread or even flavored oils, this would be a good application for that.  These are pretty basic so please experiment with herbs and spices to customize your chips!

Pita Bread-homemade or store-bought (I usually buy it whole wheat and fresh from the bakery.  Then I tuck them in the freezer for whenever I need them!)
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Salt and Pepper

Preheat your oven to 375 degrees.  Cut your pita bread like a pizza, into 8 or even 16 pieces, depending on what kind of dippers you like.  Spread them out in a single layer on a dry sheet pan and spray or lightly drizzle evenly with olive oil.  Sprinkle with salt and pepper and pop in the oven for 10 minutes.  Check on the chips and continue to toast until desired crispiness.  How long it will take will depend on your oven, your individual tastes, and the moisture content of your bread.  Just keep and eye on them so they don’t burn.  You can turn them over halfway through if you like, but it isn’t necessary.  Cool slightly and enjoy!

Loaded Roasted Pepper SandwichIt is hard for me to convey just how spectacular the combination of these flavors are.  The only thing I have been able to come up with is, thats so good, you will want to eat it even when you are pregnant and so sick the though of a sip of water makes you want to hurl.

Because really, that is what I associate with this sandwich.  Three times over (baby 1,2, and 3), I was sick the entire 9 months of my pregnancy. As in, I threw up in the delivery room bathroom a few hours before my daughter was born because even then, I was still puking.

In an effort to make me ANYTHING that I could keep down, my husband handed me this sandwich when I was still in the early stages of pregnancy #1.  Needless to say I was skeptical.  I will spare you the details of what happened when I was finished with it, but I will never forget how amazing it tasted.  Fresh, creamy, tangy, crunchy-it was outstanding.  Once I was my non-pregnant self again, I made sure to make the sandwich the exact same way to try and replicate that joy.  It was even better than I imagined!  And when I was prego again, it was often the only thing that sounded good, regardless of wether I could keep it down or  not.  I mean, just LOOK at that sandwich!  Does it not make your mouth water??
Loaded Roasted Pepper SandwichNow, I make them for my kids.  I have tried changing a few things-adding cucumber, skipping the step to toast the bread, or even using plain hummus-and all changes were good.  But not this good.  Something about these particular ingredients just go so great together.  The hubby knew what he was doing when he built this one!  I feel like I should mention that ripe tomatoes are key.  Don’t bother making this without them.  Loaded up with fresh spinach and avocado, it is chock full of good for you foods!  Which we all need, wether you are expecting a baby or not.
Loaded Roasted Pepper SandwichLoaded Roasted Pepper Hummus Sandwich

Whole Grain Bread-toasted
Roasted Red Pepper Hummus- homemade or store bought
Fresh Spinach
Avocados, pitted and sliced thin
Sliced Tomatoes
Thinly Sliced Cheese-CoJack is GREAT on this sandwich!

Assemble your sandwich in whatever fashion allows it to stay together the best. 🙂  Enjoy!

Roasted Pepper Hummus

Roasted Red Pepper Hummus is incredibly easy and way better for you than the store-bought stuff! {Brittany's Pantry}Roasted pepper hummus is one of the most common things I find in the refrigerators of my friends.  Well, that and red wine.

Whenever I talk to someone who has made hummus for the first time, they always mention how incredibly good it is.  As yummy as store bought hummus is, there is nothing like the flavor of a batch you made yourself.  Making it specially flavored is just that much better.

The following recipe is my standard, quick hummus that I make all the time, with simply some roasted red peppers added!  Easy, huh?  The smell is fantastic and it is incredibly hard to stop eating it.  Smooth and creamy, this hummus is outrageous on a sandwich (recipe coming soon) but is also a handy recipe to have in the fridge.  It makes it SO much easier to get your daily veggies in if you have this stuff to dip your celery, cucumbers, carrots, and whole grain pita chips in!  Because, seriously!  Isn’t that color gorgeous?  I love the colors of food…

Speaking of recipes, I often like to share what I call my BONUS RECIPES on social media.  Occasionally, I post a recipe exclusively to Brittany’s Pantry Twitter feed (brittanyspantry), Instagram (@brittanyspantry), Google+ , and the Facebook page.  Why?  Because I like to reward those who spend excessive time on their phone whilst in the grocery line!  Today was one of those bonus days so be sure to follow BP and get every tasty recipe you can!  Here is the link to my favorite Double Chocolate Recovery Drink! Enjoy!Roasted Red Pepper Hummus is incredibly easy and way better for you than the store-bought stuff! {Brittany's Pantry}Roasted Red Pepper Hummus is incredibly easy and way better for you than the store-bought stuff! {Brittany's Pantry} Roasted Red Pepper Hummus

2 cans garbanzo beans (chickpeas) rinsed and drained
3 T tahini
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 T lemon juice
3/4 tsp cumin
1/3 c water
1/3 c extra virgin olive oil, plus more as needed
salt and pepper to taste
1/2 of a 1 lb jar of roasted red peppers, drained (about 2)

Pulse all ingredients in a food processor, adding more evoo or water to achieve desired consistency.  Continue to puree until smooth.  Store tightly sealed in the refrigerator.