Mashed Sweet Potatoes W/Orange

Orange Mashed Sweet PotatoesGreetings friends!  Just stopping in quick during my vacation to post one of my favorite summer side dishes.

Seeing as how I now live in the south on the east coast, you would think that sweet potatoes would be everywhere, right?  At least that is what I expected.  Remember that friend I mentioned that introduced me to sweet potatoes?  She would return from trips home to Mississippi with paper grocery sacks full of these wonderful vegetables purchased right from the side of the road.  Naturally, I assumed that when I moved south I would encounter these sweet orange tubers everywhere.  Would people toss them through my open windows when I went through the drive-thru at Chic-Fil-A?  Is there such an abundance of them that they give them away at the DMV?  Could I expect piles of them discarded in the far corners of parking lots?

Apparently, no.  I have yet to encounter any sweet potato vendors, solicitors, or peddlers in South Carolina.  There have been several other food surprises, but those will have to wait for another day as there is way too much to tell.  In the meantime, I plan to continue to purchase my sweet potatoes, or yams, at the regular market.  But you can bet your buttons that the first time I see a dusty farmer on the side of the road with paper bags full of sweet potatoes, my breaks will be squealing.  Because, by golly, I break for sweet potatoes*.  Even if they do give them away at the DMV.

**Wouldn’t that be a great bumper sticker?
Orange Mashed Sweet PotatoesMashed Sweet Potatoes W/Orange
What makes this dish so lovely is not just the simplicity of it, but that the ingredients taste so darn awesome together you would swear that they were made for each other.  I generally keep them on the healthier side and stick to the recipe below, but as you can imagine, a big ol hunk of butter swirled in makes you want to swoon.  It is so unbelievably fantastic (without butter) as a light side dish for the holidays, I implore you to remember this when November rolls around.  The fact that it goes so well with grilled or roasted food makes this a year round staple.

3-4 pounds of sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into large chunks
zest of 1 large orange
juice of 1 large orange
large pinch of salt and lots of fresh ground pepper

Steam the chunked sweet potatoes until very soft.  Alternatively, you can boil them, but I find when I steam them the end result is less watery.  With a potato masher or large fork, hand mash the potatoes until desired smoothness.  I prefer it with consistently tiny chunks but no big bites.  Add the zest and juice of the orange, salt and pepper, and taste for flavor.  Be generous with the black pepper!  If the mash is too thick, add a small splash of hot water, chicken broth, or if you have it, more orange juice.  Enjoy!

Green Tea Smoothie

This Green Tea Smoothie is incredibly fresh and clean. Soon to be your favorite! {Brittany's Pantry}So, remember when I posted this recipe for Green Green Salad?  I am at it again, but this time its drinkable.  I keep creating these verdant recipes and all I can think of is, “Awesome.  It is sooooo greeeeeen.”

Side Note:  I have been looking for a green couch for my family room, but don’t tell my husband.  Sssssshhhhhhh.

I love the color green and every time I make this smoothie I do a little happy dance because it just looks so vibrant and energizing and positive.  In general, food of this shade is on the healthy side so how can you think of anything else but the power of the nutrients coursing through your veins?!  This is why Popeye got so revved up on spinach!  Green just does something to us!  It makes our arm muscles bulge and that look of heroic wisdom cross our faces.  It is life!

Yes, in case you are wondering, there is spinach in this smoothie, but the color and health factor get a bit of a boost from some matcha powder.  What the heck is that, you ask?  Only the coolest stuff on the PLANET!  Ok.  The pyramids are cooler, but matcha powder is pretty neat.  It is just a finely ground green tea that uses the whole green tea leaf and a little bit goes a long way.  It is actually so potent that 1 tsp of powder mixed with a cup of hot water to dissolve it, is the equivalent of 10 cups of brewed green tea.  Neat huh?  You can find it in the health food sections of most grocery stores nowadays, and for sure in any health food/specialty store worth its salt.  Heck!  You can even find it at Vitamin World!  Yes, it is a bit expensive, but it lasts for a long time.  And it is the perfect boost in this smoothie.  It kinda gives it that herbal taste without adding more fibrous veggies.  Because, hey.  I love broccoli as much as the next person, but I personally don’t like to drink it cold and raw.  *shudder*

Regardless of wether or not you are gluten free, dairy free, nut free, vegan, or like me, proud to be at the top of the food chain and eating anything you can get your hands on, this drink has you covered.  It won’t weigh you down and I swear it makes you feel healthier just looking at it. And you know why, right?  Because its green.
*Todays recipe can be found on the JRose Fitness page on Facebook by the lovely Jessica McKenzie!  I will regularly be contributing feature recipes that are good for da body and good for da soul so check it out here!  Be sure to ‘like’ the page so you don’t miss anything.  And bonus!  You get a boost of healthy living and fitness inspiration as well!  Click here to see her actual coaching site!This Green Tea Smoothie is incredibly fresh and clean. Soon to be your favorite! {Brittany's Pantry}This Green Tea Smoothie is incredibly fresh and clean. Soon to be your favorite! {Brittany's Pantry}Green Tea Smoothie
This drink is full of good things.  It may be tempting, but don’t skip the lemon juice.  Not only is it incredibly beneficial (health wise) but it gives a brightness of flavor to this smoothie that brings it from OK to outrageous!

1 c coconut milk (I use light)
1 banana
juice of 1/2 of a lemon
1/2 bag frozen, organic peaches (1 1/2 c or so)
2 extra large handfuls of baby spinach, preferably organic
1 T honey (optional)
1 tsp matcha powder

Blend all ingredients together in a blender until smooth, adding ice of desired.  Serve immediately.

Weeknight Chicken Teriyaki

Slow Cooker TeriyakiHappy Monday!  I have been extremely busy these last few days as my husband and I are desperately trying to make a decision about our living situation.  Since the move to South Carolina, and the SUPER fun craziness that I mentioned here (please note the heavy sarcasm in that statement), we have been renting a smallish house while we build our home.  But finding a builder, closing on a plot of land, designing a house, etc is keeping us very occupied.  I have literally been running from one place to another, always with Evelyn, Eli, and Lane at my side and I haven’t been home all that much to prep dinner ahead.

So.  Quick and easy stovetop recipes have been my main go-to choices this summer.  Especially since our grill broke.  Say what??  Yes.  It broke.  In July.  Talk about rotten luck.  Maybe Mike and I should make shopping for a new grill our next date night?!  A little dinner, a little dancing, a little flirting over BTU’s and automatic ignition switches…

My slow cooker has also gotten a ton of use as well and there will be several recipes coming your way soon.  I have been keeping it by my side more than usual.  And I don’t mean that figuratively; sometimes I set it on my nightstand for safe keeping while I sleep… because yowzah!  Its true what they say!  South Carolina is HOT!  Granted, its not unbearable and we are kind of loving it, but heed my words friends.  Yes!  South Carolina summers are hot and I ain’t just whistling dixie!  So anytime I can get away with ignoring the ‘ol oven is a good day.

This chicken teriyaki recipe was one I had been messing around with the last few months we were still living in IL.  I really really love teriyaki of any kind and I have been making several different versions over the years.  But when I decided to just break it down to the basic teriyaki ingredients with no extra frills, I discovered we all really liked that best.  Go figure!  The simplest and easiest version  is our favorite!

A few things to note:  There is white rice in these pictures because when I photographed this recipe, I was cleaning out my pantry for the move and found some instant white rice in the back corners of the cupboard.  I rarely purchase white rice anymore so PLEASE be sure to eat this with brown rice for the crazy amounts of nutrition it contains.  That said, its your life.  This is fantastic with any kind of rice, rice noodles, or plain old linguini.  Heck!  Scoop it up with cardboard and this stuff would still be outrageous.  I won’t tell.
Slow Cooker TeriyakiWeeknight Chicken Teriyaki 
Inspired by Nigella
Cut up the chicken and make the sauce the night before and you can have dinner on the table in no time!  Mirin is traditional to teriyaki and gives it a flavor you can’t skip.  It is a Japanese rice wine that has a sweet taste and I keep the open bottle in my pantry just for asian recipes.  I easily use a small bottle before it spoils.  Look for it in the asian/international food section of your store.

2 lbs boneless, skinless chicken thighs, trimmed of excess fat and cut into large, bite sized pieces (about 8 thighs)
1/4 c mirin
1/4 c low sodium soy sauce
1 heaping tsp of sesame oil
1 heaping T of brown sugar
1 inch of fresh ginger, peeled and grated, about 1 T
1/4 tsp black pepper
1/2 tsp red pepper flakes or to taste

Mix all ingredients together and let marinade for half an hour.  Heat a large skillet-preferably non-sitck-and add just a bit of olive oil.  Using a slotted spoon, lift the chicken out of the marinade and fry over medium heat until it gets good color and is almost cooked through, turning so it doesn’t burn, 5-10 minutes.  Add the marinade to the pan and let bubbly slowly while the chicken cooks the rest of the way and the sauce thickens, a further 5 minutes.  Sauce will thicken a bit more as the dish cools.  Serve over brown rice with fresh veggies!