
Whiteout Smoothie

Whiteout SmoothiesHave I ever mentioned how much I love white?

I don’t like to to wear it-that is just an accident waiting to happen-but I love it in my house, my dishes, my kitchen, my decor, and now, in my smoothies.  My cupboards are white, my appliances are white, and I collect milk glass to display all over my house.  If it wasn’t so darn impractical, my couches would be white.  I love the look of a clean blanket of new snow, and if I can ever get my husband to agree, my dream bathroom would be ALL white.  It looks great with everything and makes any color it is with that much more beautiful.  Naturally, my heart rate accelerated when I recently came across a recipe for white hot chocolate.  Even though I don’t plan on ever making it due to my usual and wildly selective aversion to white (read: fake) chocolate, I couldn’t take my eyes from the pure white drink.  All white.  Clean.  Creamy.  Starkly gorgeous.  White on white on white.  Classic.

With that in mind, I was whipping up smoothies for my kids this week when I realized I didn’t have any fresh spinach left to make this recipe.  So I decided to forgo color all together.  A few fine tuning adjustments and this final recipe was the result.  It is wonderfully thirst quenching and chug-able since it has nothing fibrous to make it super thick.  Its clean and refreshing and a fantastic change of pace from the berry/spinach/kale/ broccoli concoctions that are so popular right now.  And you know what else?  Its white.
Whiteout SmoothiesThe above picture is my special smoothie transporter.  I got it a bajillion years ago when my aunt was cleaning out her Tupperware supply and tossed this into the box that I was getting.  It holds as much as a large drinking glass and the lid seals tight and secure.  If I have a busy morning planned for the next day, I fill this the night before, shake it up on my way to the car, and pop the lid while driving to my destination.  It feels so retro.  My kids like the fun straws and the biodegradable kind are particularly awesome! Because EVERYTHING tastes better when it is inhaled through a fun straw!
Whiteout SmoothiesWhiteout Smoothies One Year Ago: Asian Smokies
Two Years Ago: Midnight Crackles
Three Years Ago: Hot Wings

Whiteout Smoothies
If your avoid smoothies because you don’t fancy the thick texture, this is a great alternative.  It is thinner but no less nutritious.  It also makes a great base to add other fruit to, thus making it a ‘non white’ smoothie!  The amount of honey you add will depend on the ripeness and sweetness of your bananas and your overall individual preference for tang.

2 c plain yogurt, low fat-I use half of a large 2 lb container
2 c unsweetened refrigerated coconut milk
2 bananas
2 T honey (or to taste), preferably local
1 T ground flax seed

Blend all ingredients together in a blender.  Taste a bit to see if you need to add more honey.  This makes two large servings for breakfast or four 1 c servings to share.

I LOVE my to-go tumblers from Tupperware. Mine are the retro version from my childhood, but they still sell them! And in super fun colors too! The lids hold really well and they wash up great. I use them for TONS of stuff! Find them here!!