Whole Wheat Cornbread
I have been trying to get this recipe made for months. I have had it printed out from the Eating Well website which, by the way, is fantastic. Anyone interested in food that tastes great but has a healthy twist will LOVE the website, the magazine, the emailed newsletters; all of it. If you have never heard about it, you can take a peek here. But anyway, I printed it and then lost it, and then found it again, then lost it again. Then we tore apart our house and I couldn’t make it anyway, and then I was looking for it, and then I found it. It is so simple, I find it a little embarrassing that I haven’t made something like this before.
I was once told, after I had been asked if I liked cornbread-to which my answer was of course yes-that I actually liked “that northern cornbread.” When my brow furrowed in response, I was informed that the cornbread I liked wasn’t real cornbread, but the fluffy, cake-like, sweet stuff they eat in the north. You see, I am from Minnesota, and I was having this conversation with a lovely middle-aged woman from the deep south. Southern Mississippi, to be exact. And she was right! Her family (her daughter actually) introduced me to the wonderful creation that I call ‘Southern Cornbread.’ The batter, nothing too sweet or too light, is actually poured into and baked in a hot, oiled, cast-iron skillet. It pops out of that skillet all round and crunchy, just begging for black-eyed, purple hulled peas. Scrumptious.
But for now, I am going to leave that method to the experts. My apologies to any out there who think it is a crime to eat tall, light, sweet cornbread, but this is how we eat it in the north! And by golly, I like it! When the occasion calls for it, I even smother it with butter and honey *gasp* or jam, (no swooning, please!) although this batch was made to accompany a light salad for supper.
And my son woke up early from his nap to help me mix it up! This recipe has all the simple goodness of cornbread, but is wonderfully healthy. And you can’t tell the difference in the slightest! Next time, I am going to use a flax egg in the recipe and see how it turns out, and for those of you who have no idea what that means, stay tuned. Also, if cooking with whole wheat flour or white whole wheat flour is your ‘page turner’, here is a great place to start! In the meantime, enjoy! And happy baking!
Whole Wheat Cornbread
Adapted from Eating Well
1 1/4 c yellow cornmeal
3/4 c white whole wheat flour or whole wheat flour
3T honey or sugar
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
1 egg
1 1/4 c buttermilk
2 T canola oil
In a medium bowl whisk together all dry ingredients, including the sugar if you are using it. In a large measuring cup or separate small bowl, whisk together the buttermilk, egg, oil, and honey, if using. Add the wet to the dry and mix just until combined! Pour batter into a sprayed 8-inch square baking pan and bake at 350 degrees for 25 to 30 minutes or until golden and toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Let cool for a few minutes before cutting and serving.
[…] Indian Summer Chili Adapted from Rachel Ray This is quite awesome served with Mini Corn Muffins or Whole Wheat Cornbread! […]
[…] OK. So. Details. This can be streamlined in several different ways to make it easier/faster/possible. Instead of dividing up a one pound block of ground beef, you can use pre-formed hamburger patties. You could also use baby carrots in place of the carrot sticks, just know that they might not cook all the way through if they are the big ones. I like to use 93% lean beef for health reasons and you could go even further and drizzle the whole she-bang with extra-virgin olive oil instead of butter. Not a carrot fan? Use bell peppers cut into strips instead. Not everything cooks well with the flavors of beef, but feel free to use what you like and give it a try. The variety is half the fun. Due to the dryness of ground turkey, I wouldn’t use it in place of the beef unless it was the variety that has dark meat mixed in. The pure white meat, nearly fat free ground turkey just doesn’t have enough fat to work here. But again, this recipe is just the basic-and we think, the best-version. So go crazy. Far be it for me to stop you from doing something wild on your Wednesday. One Year Ago: Whole Wheat Cornbread […]