Dairy-Free Veggie Chowder

When I think of chowder, I think of heavy, milk and cream laden soups that are nearly as thick as a stew. And, I must admit, that is what I find appealing about them. If you are eating them whilst wistfully gazing out at the sea, then they are even more appealing….

Parmesan Roasted Cauliflower

As Thanksgiving, the holiday of food, approaches, everyone is looking for interesting/original/uncomplicated items to add to the menu.  But wouldn’t it be nice if the new recipe you tried was so easy and so delicious, that you just ended up making it all the time?  I think that would be a beautiful…

Sweet Veggie Pasta Salad

Do you really need a Fry Daddy? That is what those things are called, right?  The deep fryers that people give out as wedding gifts and that to my knowledge, nobody actually purchases to use in their kitchen?  Raise your hand if there is one taking up space in the back of…